Cristina Dreyer

Small Animal Treatments

The treatments can vary form case to case, each treatment is individualized

The first treatment session usually lasts between 1:00 -1: 30 hours, the second treatment varies between 0: 30-1: 00 hours. The standard duration of a physiotherapy treatment is approximately one hour.
We begin by collecting the patient’s medical history, taking into account the clinical history submitted by your veterinarian, as well as laboratory diagnostic and diagnostic imaging reports, as well as the owner’s complaints and expectations after treatment.
A physiotherapeutic and chiropractic static palpation test is performed
A biodynamic examination of the patient is performed in a straight line at walk and trot.
We perform an inspection of the pads and nails.

Once all this information has been collected, I proceed to carry out the treatment

Normally I start treating the sacropelvic area, then lumbar spine, thoracic spine, jaw, cervical spine and finally anterior and posterior extremities. The order of treatment may vary depending on the animal’s findings and temperament.

In some cases it is necessary to perform a physiotherapy treatment before chiropractic treatment to relax the most complicated treatment area due to muscular tensions.

The person holding the dog must be focused on keeping him hold and with his head under control.

Instructions are given on the next working days of the animal. Normally one day off. Guidelines will be issued such as removing ball games or avoiding stairs a few days depending on each case
Exercise and work guidelines will be dictated to prevent the onset of symptoms and strengthen problem areas.
Patient revaluation will depend on each case. The physiotherapeutic revaluation will depend on the type of injury. The chiropractic reassessment will be repeated for 2-4 weeks.

Most dogs accept and enjoy the treatment, although not all react in the same way.

Healing and restoring a healthy system requires time.

Treatments and Specialties in Small Animals

Click on the treatment you are interested in for more information.